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Church Hill Blog

Social media policy

The Editorial Team reserve the right to remove any post or comment, if it interferes with the flow of the page and the discussions.

This may in exceptional circumstance prevent any member from accessing the page where it is considered necessary in order to protect the group and it’s enjoyment by other members. Posts that target the Administration Team will be removed and the Author may also be removed.

Stance: We believe that the idea of making offensive speech unlawful is a non-starter. Forms of expression that offend some people barely register with others (think of the use of certain swear words or gestures). Forms of expression that are taken as routine and commonplace by many people, offend others.

If we were to ban all speech that offends some others, we would in effect have to restrict speech that offends the sensitive and the eccentric, as well as speech that offends more widely.

Offence is in the eye of the beholder, and any attempt to make offensive speech unlawful would place everybody’s freedom of expression at the mercy of others. It would undermine the right to freedom of expression.

Contact The best way to make contact is via email to the Editorial Team at

Note: The Church Hill Blog would like to alert you to the fact that while the Blog and most posting are generally not specifically political, some postings may undoubtedly contain a degree of political bias in the direction of the articles Author or Editor’s own views – as you would expect. You are free not to read those ones if you prefer.

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